Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday swims

Today was supposed to be a rest day, but I decided to check out the pool at the Y at lunchtime since I'm off early on Fridays. This turned out to be perfect!

My crack-o' morning swims have been tough. I have to be there at or shortly after 5am in order to get in enough of a workout before the kids start in on their team training at 6 and take all but one lane. It's been tough getting in anything more than about 1600-2000yds.

It hit me last night that I should check the Friday pool schedules and sure enough, it's pretty much open swim from about 10am on through the late afternoon. I think I've discovered my prime long swim time finally. So now I'll find a way to get my Friday swims in right after I get off work at 11/12pm and get the distance swims in. Whee!

I found a bunch of workouts online for people training for half and full Ironman triathlons. I tried a part of on on Tuesday and had to quit part way through it because of time. Today, I managed to do a 2600yd decent workout in about 1:15!

That was exciting, but the most exciting part of the day was when not one, but two people commented on my swimming telling me I should swim on the Master's team based on what they saw! Wow! That made my day. One was an older man and another a college kid practicing over the summer. Yippee!!!

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