Tuesday, October 6, 2009

10/6 speedwork

Good workout this morning. The plan told me I needed to do 3.5 and that's what I did.

1 m warmup at about 9.5 - 10.0mph.

Alternating 1 min at 7.5 with 1 min recovery. I'd planned to get in 10 reps of this, but only made it to 7. I actually took a 2 min recovery when I finished 5. At least I know where to improve.

Finished the last half-ish mile just recovering at about 6.1mph.

The heart rate definitely got up there. I was probably at about an 8.5-9(in the last few reps) on a 10 point exertion scale. The last two reps, I could feel the breath getting more labored and was more tired.

The next run is Thursday; another 3.5. I might try going back on the trails if it hasn't rained too much. Happy day all.



Dang girl. That wore me out just reading it.

Deeann said...

You are a machine, woman! Good for you!!!

Peter Varvel said...

Yay, KK! I just started jogging regularly again - and can I just say? Thank goodness for glucosamine!