Monday, January 5, 2009

Lists for the new year

Yeah it's been a while since the last post. I meant to update it after Halloween at SWA, then after the beautiful and relaxing trip to Belize, but stuff just seemed to get in the way. So I'll get back to those one day; I resolve to do it.

I was awake in the middle of the night last week, something that has been happening with some frequency lately, and stewing about the year to come. I was mentally making a list of stuff I wanted to do in 2009. I work best with lists. A list has items you can scratch off or check off. A list complete feels like an accomplishment. An incomplete list makes me feel as if I have a target and it usually keeps me on track; away from distractions.

I don't think I like the idea of having new year's resolutions, per se. I like the idea of having real solutions (maybe where the word came from?) to things I can control in my life and make a difference. I suppose it's more like a goal list, as much as anything. Like I said, I'm good at goal-setting and lists. Hee hee!

Being new to the blogging world, I figured this would be as good of a place as any to start making that list; then checking in on it monthly to check the progress. Some items on the list are actually measurable and may be ticked off through the year. Others will be a bit less tangible, but the results will come over a longer period of time.

So what does make the list?

Be the friend I want to have. I haven't always been the most ideal friend at times, so I want to be the friend I want to be around. Hopefully, I can find some solid friendships that will last and make me feel as if there are many levels to them. I have a couple of these. I could do better in this department, though.

Write more. Write well. I have found in the past year or so that I actually enjoy writing. Much more so than I ever did in school. Now I'd like to learn how to make it more eloquent and enjoyable for me and the reader. Some of the other writers at RNO and blogs I read teach me something new each time I read their work. Any new input is appreciated, so help me out here. :)

Exercise 5x/week. I do this most of the time already, but there are days that I really don't feel like going to the gym or going for a run. Skipping workouts is a habit that gets easy if you let it. I don't want to let it.

Lose those 10lbs. Then hide from them. Yes, those same pesky 10 pounds I swore I'd lose last year are still hanging on with a vengance. I got down closer at one point last summer., but never hit the 10 pound threshold. With several goal races (below/side), I hope the work will pay off. Better yet, I will make the work pay off.

Take a trip with friends. I had a great mini-trip to Austin with my friends Deeann and Greg last summer. I also enjoyed a week with friends and some family in Belize in November. It was fun and chaotic, but I got to know a few of them better. I'll try again with another group of friends this year.

Save some money. Easier said than done, but I need to get my savings account at 5% of my income right now. Not much, but with other bills, at least it's something.

Pay off 2 cards. Hide them. I put all my cards in a safe place that isn't in my purse. Two of them can be paid off. I might be pushing it to get a third one done as well, but it would be a stretch goal. They should be for emergency use only. A great sale at Ann Taylor or a shoe store is not an emergency (dangit!)

Finish at least 15 credits at school. I really want to finish my degree. It's a long time coming. I'm enrolled and have a class scheduled to start in January. Time and money permitting, this goal is certainly achievable.

Race/fitness goals:
  • Run a 5k under 28 minutes. I just did one on Jan 3rd in 28:45 and was cramping the last 1/2 mile and slower. This one is do-able.

  • Run at least one half marathon and one 25k. The Yuengling Shamrock half in Virginia Beach is on the books for March. My brother and his wife are doing it as well. I'll have to figure out which 25k trail races I want to do this season.

  • Run 750 miles this year. That comes out to less than 15 miles a week average. It might be the hardest goal this year considering everything else going on, but it's worth a try.

  • Do a century bike ride. My good friend, Rick, proposed this one and I think it's easiliy possible.

  • Ride at least 2000 miles this year. I plan to bike to work again at least once a week when it gets a little warmer and the days get longer. I'm also planning to do RAGBRAI with friends this year. Doing the ride, plus all the training leading up to it should make this an easy hit. I almost said 2500 miles, but chickened out.

  • Compete in at least two triathlons. Improve on the time from last year on at least one of them. Again, this should be achievable with the Danskin Tri in Austin again. I'd like to try a few more.

Wow, this is a big list looking back at it. Each piece individually shouldn't be too hard, for the most part, but acheiving all of them will be a feat. I may be a running, biking, friending fool come next December! Next update will be in February.

1 comment:

Peter Varvel said...

Omg, I make lists all of the time for everthing!
Except for groceries, which I need to start doing because I have been too forgetful too frequently this past year.