Sunday, April 26, 2009

Friday workout

Tuesday I rode my bike to/from work and man, I was wiped out after that. I'd planned to swim the next day but still was pretty beat, so I blew it off. As it turned out, I wouldn't have been able to make it anyway as I got stuck in traffic and wasn't going to be able to squeak in a workout before a dinner party anyway.

Thursday I was "sick" but managed to work on my backyard quite a bit. Nice! It's making great progress (and I have a whole blog in my head about come later).

Friday morning, I was wide awake at 4 so at 4:30 I just decided to get up and go work out. I hit the gym as it opened at 5. Ran a slow, tough 3 miles on the dreadmill. The legs were still pretty beat from the bike, amazingly enough. I didn't want to hit them too much more as I'd planned to go cycling again on Saturday (cancelled for wind).

Right after running, I changed into my suit and swam for 30-ish minutes and got in 1300m. Yay! Each time going, I've tried to up the distance by 100m (including warm/cooldown). This time instead of doing 100's and 50's, I did 4 sets of 150 on the 2 minute intervals, then did 8 50's on the 1 minute interval. I'm trying to leave the shorter, faster intervals at the end to help get the body ready to really produce speed at the end of the race. I hope it works out.

This was a nice way to get the body cooled down after running and before heading to work. I might do these a bit more often.

Still gotta get the bod ready for when I meet dreamy Jeff Probst in a few weeks. Sigh...

1 comment:

Peter Varvel said...

I hate having to admit that I'm getting older, especially when it comes to overdoing it with exercise.
I envy that you are keeping up with all of your physical training!