Sunday, October 4, 2009

Five Things Sunday

To heck with alliteration. I hereby deem Five Things Friday, changed to Sunday. Sundays are my play days. The relaxing ones. So for now, we're switching days, m'kay?

It was a great week!
1. Interview. Despite sweating all the way down to my hips (and thankfully not wearing something that showed it), the interview felt pretty darn good. I was receiving good visual feedback from nearly everyone. My former director, Jeffery, was in there too. She has a serious poker face and I had trouble reading her.

2. Success. So it turns out, I didn't need to read her after all. I found out on Tuesday afternoon that I got the job AND a 7% raise to boot! I was happy taking a lateral and would've even taken a small cut, but a freakin' raise?! Yeah baby! I start at the beginning of the next pay period and it can't come soon enough.

3. Happy hour. So it turned into several happy hours. A friend is going through a pretty rough time so a small group of my favorite work chicks went out for a few beers. We laughed all night and even survived a huge thunderstorm that poured overhead. The best part of the night though, was a spontaneous toilet papering event! We hit one of our other co-workers house with three rolls. Turns out, he saw us thorugh his front door and walked away. Yes, alcohol might have been involved. LOL!

4. Another finished class. With finishing a class and passing an opt-out test, I'm now 33.3% through. Still on target to finish next summer.

5. Wonderful friends. I got to spend some quality time with my friend Christi. She's so sweet and smart! My old TWA friends were at a BBQ on Saturday and it was great catching up with them. My closest friend posted a fantastic blog about her inspirations and it made me cry. Good tears though. She's beautiful.

I hope you have a wonderful upcoming week. Look for the good things.

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