Monday, November 16, 2009

200 days

Tomorrow marks the 200 day countdown to the Kansas Half IM. 200 days to prep. 200 days to agonize. 200 days to train.

I'm just thinking out loud here. Okay, the keyboard clatter is about as loud as it gets over the crackle of the fire.

I'm wondering if trying to do a 70.3 next summer is feasible?

I'm wondering if it's too much to tackle that and continue with my current school schedule?

I'm wondering if it all makes sense?

I'm wondering what has to give? Most likely it'll be what little social life I have. "But it's only temporary", I tell myself.

I'm struggling to find time to train for just a half marathon, so I'm wondering how I'll fit it all in.

I'm wondering where this doubt is coming from because I KNOW once I put my mind to it and commit, I can do it.

I'm wondering how many people I'll pass? How many whose ass I'll kick? Will it be just one or several?

I'm wondering...


Janna said...

I am wondering when you will realize that you will kick ass and take names?

You can do it! RUN GIRL RUN!

Deeann said...

You can do it. You always kick ass when you put your mind to it. It's a very busy time right now, and things will even out soon for you. You will get the training in that you need. If you really want it, you can do it. You can do anything! You are my hero and inspiration!

Dave said...

200 days in a training cycle sounds a bit much. I know being in a training cycle for nearly the past year has worn on me mentally...not so much physical...but mental...two 50 miles ultras, two 50K ultras (one being Bandera) and one 30K Trail race run....Here I sit and can't phathom going on a 4 hour run...200 day training cycle...Really?

Peter Varvel said...

I'm wondering if your body has forgotten that we have already entered our fifth decade in life.
If so, I truly envy you!
Go, KK!


WOW girl. Well, a half marathon is already a big part of a 70.3 so... count that as part of your training. You ALREADY can bike 56 miles girl. Sheesh! You KNOW you can do that. And the swim? Well, I've seen you swim so 1.2 miles is a cinch!

You got this baby. It seems like a lot but you have SOOOO got this.

And apparently everyone knows that you commit and kick ass.

Keep on keepin' on!

KK said...

Yeah, Dave it sounds like a lot, but you're in the shape for long races. I hear what you're saying, though. But it's three events. Its alongside going to school 3/4 time and workign full time. I need all the time I can get to build up. It's not full bore until after the new year, though. Right now, I'm getting the core ready, trying to lose a few pounds so that in January, the base starts. It's big to me. :)

You rock though! I can't imagine doing one 50 miler, let alone two, plus several other ultras. Amazing!