Thursday, July 3, 2008

Afton MN 25k - Elevation profile or EKG?

I never should have looked!

The other day I was downloading a bunch of information for my upcoming trip to Minnesota and found an elevation profile for the 25k I'm doing on Saturday. Holy carp! Is this an elevation profile or the last EKG?!

When I originally signed up for this race, I was planning to do the 50k and was training for it well. An injury and then a virus knocked me off my training plan so I relented and had the RD lower me down to the 25k.

I still haven't been training much with all the work lately and with biking. I'm hoping that with all my distance biking the past 6 weeks or so, I have the endurance to make it through this race. I know I'll finish, but this certainly won't be my best race...especially if you look at these hills!

I'll post more after the race. Enjoy your 4th of July weekend!

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