Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Botox anyone?

I am a person who always thought that plastic surgery and all this botox stuff was only a way to get around growing old. I think that people should just grow old gracefully and enjoy the lifelines that they've been given. Embrace the smile lines!

That was, before I noticed something the other day.

It was a gorgeous day here in Dallas. Temperatures were supposed to hit near 80 in January, so why not try out a new dress now instead of waiting for spring?

Having fine, thin hair on my head is, most days, a curse. It just doesn't do much and there's not much I can do with it. The upside of this, is that the hair on my legs is nearly non-existant or hardly shows up. Some weeks, it takes a light breeze for me to realize I need to shave.

But this projected warm day, I thought that it might be time for a quick leg scrape before heading off to work. As I plopped my left foot on the counter I noticed something horrifying! I saw wrinkles on my knees! What the hell?!

Curious as to where they might be coming from, I put that leg down and looked down. Sure enough, I have a little fatty deposit, which probably won't go away with running and cycling, just above my kneecap on the inside. Both legs! I felt like crying!

Now I don't mind my wrinkles on my face, but for some reason, this new wrinkle, pun intended, in my growing older just sent me over the edge that morning. Sigh. Now I'm not going to rush out to get botox or have a knee lift, but wow, what an awakening.

Have any of you noticed weird stuff like this as you get older?

1 comment:

Peter Varvel said...

Thanks to our wonderful technology, all I see are the wrinkles in any digital, hi-def photos of me, LOL.
My family has started asking if I dye my hair, which I find amusing.
I don't, but I still yank any gray hairs, which I don't mind admitting.