Saturday, February 14, 2009

Investment in sight

The best money I ever spent was getting my eyes done last year. It's been a full year since Lasik and I can't tell you how wonderful it has been.

My first pair of glasses came sometime in about the first or second grade. Mom is legally blind because she's so nearsided; I inherited that from her. By the time I reached high school, I would wear contacts all the time. I even went into basic training with extended wear lenses and didn't take them out for the entire six weeks. It was tough, but sure beat wearing those birth-control glasses, as they are affectionately called. Believe me, you weren't getting any booty wearing those suckers. They were ugly.

Since moving to the Dallas area, I've become much more involved in sports and outdoor stuff. I can't tell you how many times I had to stop and fix contacts or just pull them out and put on glasses, just to get through events. If I cried during a sappy movie (a frequent event), the contacts would be toast and all fogged over. It sucked.

So last year, I bit the bullet and got the Lasik. Scared the ever-livin' poo out of me, but I did it. No regrets. I went from 20/700+ (legally blind) to 20/15 in a matter of 20 minutes. Best money I ever spent.

For the first time this year, I got to go tubing behind a ski boat. Before, I was afraid of losing either the glasses or contacts into the water. I got to do a triathlon without worry. I started riding bikes without worrying about the contacts drying out. I can cry and still see. The best part is waking up in the middle of the night and not only being able to see the clock, but being able to see enough to not hallucinate that someone is looking at me. It's amazing.

If you haven't done it and are considering it. Just do it. It'll be the best money you ever spent.


Peter Varvel said...

LOL, "birth control glasses" - I had never heard that before!
Would birth control glasses and beer goggles cancel each other out?


Wow... something I've always wanted to try but been too scared to do.
