Monday, February 2, 2009

Monthly status update

One of the best way to make sure you're working on goals is to revisit them occasionally. Since I posted my real-solutions for the year in January, I thought I'd check them out again to see how the first month went. Some were good, others not so much. I'll hit some of the highlights.

Exercise 5x/week - Whoops. Forgot I put this one in there so I'm glad it's being checked. Last month I was in a bit of a funk because of work, so I, at best, got in about 3x/week. The work crap is still there, but I'll have to start working on this one a bit more. So far, I've exercised both days in February and plan to keep the momentum going.

Lose the 10lbs. Hide from them - I'm down about 4 right now overall, and the pants are fitting more nicely. I'm in a fat club at work that has only 2 more weeks to go. Might as well power down to get a few more off when a payout is possible.

Save some money - Check. The savings is up a bit. Not much, but a bit.

Pay off 2 cards. Hide them - Check. I sucked it up in Jan and paid one off. The next one will be a few months away, but still possible.

Finish at least 15 credits - 3 are in progress, 3 more will be started Feb 15th. I plotted out my plan of action for the year on a spreadsheet (I'm sure some of you are surprised - LOL!) and it looks like I might be able to get 21 in this year if all goes well. Yay!

Run 750 miles this year - Well, I only got about 32 in last month. Not a good way to start the year, but it'll pick up. It's still very do-able.

Ride at least 2000 miles this year - Again, none for this month (not counting spin miles), but once it warms up, I'm looking forward to commuting to work and getting ready for RAGBRAI. Whee!

So it's off to a start. Can't wait to see how the year turns out!


Peter Varvel said...

Go, Kari, go!


You rock KK!

Hey, you might enjoy this guy's blog. And he's a local guy too!