Monday, June 29, 2009

The plan this week

Holy crap! The RAGBRAI start is less than 18 days away and I'm both excited and nervous. To top it off, there's a triathlon 2 weeks after that. It's down to crunch time again.

This week, the goal is to mostly get time on saddle more than anything. I figure doing 3 days of riding in a row, though a couple of them just easy days riding to/from the gym to swim, will help out with getting the butt used to it. I'm hoping this strategy will pay off.

The rest of the week will have easy runs interspersed with 2-3 days of swim time. I'd like to start having 2 workouts each of swim/bike/run, but am not sure how this all will work.

Overextended again? Yup. Love it? Yup!



Yeah, I've been slacking on the running. Its just ... not my favorite thing to do and its SO damn hot!

I can't wait to hear about RAGBRAI. You go girl.

Peter Varvel said...

To quote Gilda Radner from her Broadway shown (when she portrayed Nadia Comaneche): "Oh, my cheech-nos!"