Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I need help: How to break the food cycles?

I'm so frustrated with my weight. But I have nobody to blame but the person in the mirror.

Yesterday I was in the doctor's office for a regular checkup and while waiting, noticed a book on a shelf nearby, "You on a Diet: The Guide to Waist Management" or something like that. I thumbed through it as time ticked by.

One page about two-thirds of the way caught my eye. It had to do with particular types of snacks and what eating them blindly meant. It struck me hard. Soft sweets, like ice cream, which are the bane of my existance supposedly mean that you're depressed. Salty filler snacks, like Cheez-It's or pita chips, mean you're sexually frustrated. Damn! I guess I need to get happy and get a date, huh? LOL!

Workouts have been haphazard the past month. I've been having issues with waking up at night for about an hour, which causes me to set the alarm back to normal wake up time (5:45) instead of workout time (4:45). I've been frequenting lunch and happy hours with friends in the few times of being social. And to top it off, school is kicking my butt and I tend to munch while sitting at the computer.

I try to eat a good meal at lunch, preferably making this the largest of the day. The problems come when I get home and get into the habit of eating just to eat. How do you break that cycle? And how do you break the cycle of wanting something sweet after a meal. It's not big, sometimes just a bite of a piece of chocolate or even a cookie, but how do you get past that?

Many times at the end of the evening, I feel full and still not satisfied. It's frustrating. And I see it showing in my weight and how the clothes are fitting worse these days. You'd think someone who is good at planning and organizing might be good at doing the same things in her own life, but it's just not happening.

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? I'd love to hear from you all either in the comments or even off line. adventurechick3@yahoo.com You rock!


Beckbee said...

Things that help me:
- Drinking lots of water
- eating yummy multi-grain breads (fights the sugar cravings)
- Eating slower (its hard...but science points to this! Chew slow, you end up eating less and feeling more satisfied)
- if you want something sweet, have a small amount...but as a part (not AFTER) of your meal. So, make room for it in your portion sizes.

I dunno...I have been struggling with this for a while, so I feel your pain. Good luck, and let me know how it goes. :) HUGS..
BTW, I still think you are HAWT.

Peter Varvel said...

Yeah, me too. Like Beckbee said, just fill up on more liquid.
I drink water before an evening meal and also after.
I found that drinking hot green tea (the real kind, while I was working in Japan) after a meal really helped to decrease that need for something sweet on the palate.
Ya gotta focus on fiber rich foods for that truly full and satisfied feeling. Like she said whole or multi-grains, lotsa fruits and veggies, even beans and legumes.
And what to do after eating one bite of chocolate or a cookie? Sugarless gum helps me a lot, believe it or not.


Its a habitual thing, most likely. And habits take 30 days to establish or break. At first, you will have to make changes consciously... then the habits will begin.

I always have to have something sweet too. I wouldn't deny yourself. Have a bite or a small piece of something sweet. But do it only once a day. I also drink lots of water all. day. long.

When I get the munchies, I snack on nuts and fruit. I LOVE almonds and could eat them all day long. Have an apple with some peanut butter for a yummy and filling snack. Don't stop eating. Keep that metabolism going.

And if you're anything like me, you're probably hungry more often because you've kicked up your workouts. Just watch what you're munchin' on.


You still look beautiful to me. :)