Sunday, June 14, 2009

Random musings 6/14

I love, love, love the new Adiorondak chairs my dear friends Greg and Deeann made for me! I sat out front this morning in one of them, reading the newspaper and enjoying the quiet calm of the neighborhood before it woke up. Kitty even sat on one of the giant arms for a while mooching neck scratches.

Last week, I'd started mulling the thought of doing a half Ironman triathlon sometime next year. Saturday, I rode 55 miles in some nasty heat and humidity and at the end couldn't imagine running a half marathon after that. I swore, "No way!". Later that evening I was driving home from a friend's party and thought again, "Well hell, I've already got the mileage for the swim and the bike down, now all I have to do is work on the run." Hmmm...sounds like more thinking is in order.

I'm excited to start my latest class, Marketing. I was reading the first chapter this morning and all of a sudden got some new ideas about an issue at work. I forgot how much I loved school.

How many white shirts can one girl have? I bought 4 new tops today, but at least they were on sale. I go through them pretty quickly though as I'm not very graceful.

My neighbors rock! How many of your neighbors can you call good friends and tell 'em you love 'em as you walk out the door?

1 comment:

Deeann said...

I think you would do so well on a 1/2 iron man. You have plenty of time to train, and plenty of time to pick just the right one.

I never thought I could do anything like the Danskin Tri. I never thought I would sign up for RAGBRAI. I still don't know why I paid good money for the 1/2 marathon :)

These events just push me to improve. Why not see what your body can do?

Go for it girlie!!!