Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bike commutes

Well it's been a week since the triathlon and man, life can sure get in the way of fun. It took a few days to get back into work again after a small break and my body was still tired from all the excitement of the weekend. Work has been really busy and stressful, so that's added to all the "fun".

I did get to ride to REI again on Sunday and just loved it! It's so interesting to see the world from another perspective, and actually slow down to see what I'd have missed from driving a car. REI offers employees incentives for those who use mass transit or physical methods to get to work. You get a punch card which you can get a manager's initials on each time you do this. Once the card is filled (20 spots), then you get a coupon for an extra 10% off an item. That may not sound like much, but on a big-ticket item, it's a good deal. Hopefully I can take advantage of that before the daylight hours wane enough to make it dangerous to ride the streets after dark again. We'll see.

This Friday, I'm going to try to ride to SWA for the first time from home. It's about 26 miles each way. I'd like to think that it will take me less than 2 hours to get here, but I fear that the traffic will make it a slower ride. 52 miles in a day is a good deal and a great calorie burner, especially in this Texas heat!

SOmetime I have to get in some running as well. There's a 25k up in Minnesota I've planned for for a while now and haven't hardly run at all. I can muscle my way through it, but it certainly won't be a PR. LOL! At least it will be another fun week with Greg and Deeann.

1 comment:

Beckbee said...

yay KK!!! That rocks that you are using the bike for commuting. I can't wait to start riding my bike to work - we will see how it goes. My commute is only 17 miles one way, but in a day, that's 34 miles. If I can do that even 1x a week, that will do me good.
I am eyeballing July 3rd as my inaugural commute. WOOT! Looking forward to Sunday.