Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Things I like on the ride in...

I'm loving these morning rides to work.

Things I like:
Hearing birds waking up and chirping wildly.
Watching the sun wake up and warm the sky.
Seeing people walking their dogs.
Riding over bridges with water underneath...especially the Sandy Lake bridge over the dam.
Saying "hi" to joggers and other riders.
Cool mornings...or just cooler than the afternoon heat.
Endorphin buzz all day!
Lots of calories burned...LOTS!
Seeing manicured lawns.
Getting ideas for the yard.
The housing development east of Marsh and south of Forest Ln.
Making it up hills easier each time (and not in the granny gear).
Sound of sprinkers... chh chh chh chh chh fttttfttttfttttftttttttt chh chh chh chh
Squirrels playing in the trees and lawns.
Passing under the freeway; looking up to see all the cars backed up to a crawl. I win!

Things I don't like -
Traffic and scary drivers

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