Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Swimming discovery

"Swimming is not a sport. It's a way to keep from drowning."
--George Carlin, comedian

This morning I went to the pool before work to get in about 25 minutes of swimming. I want to be prepared for the next tri and not panic again. Yikes!

During the Danskin tri, I noticed that I had a hard time catching my breath, even after I'd settled down. I think this morning I figured out part of the problem.

As I was doing laps, practicing breathing on both sides, I realized that I was starting to lose my breath again. I just felt as if I couldn't catch in enough air between strokes. I realized that I was blowing out my nose instead of both the nose and mouth. I found I was still exhaling when I should only be inhaling. "When I run, I breathe through my mouth more, so why shouldn't it work the same when swimming," I thought.

Sure enough, I started blowing out more air from my nose and mouth and was able to go longer and felt as if I could breathe easier. I found myself going back to the old habit, only to correct it shortly afterwards. It's definitely self-critiquing. :) It may take a while to get into the new habit again, but I figure if I swim twice a week from now until the next tri in August, it should work itself out.


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