Saturday, September 12, 2009

Decision and deferral

It's been a while since I've posted and for the few who are reading, I apologise. I know I should be using this blog as a source to vent frustrations, but I prefer to use it for happier times.

As you guys know, I've been trying to nurse a torn ligament in my knee and hoping that I could get it healed in time to do a the Toyota Olympic Triathlon here in Dallas next month. I've been continuing to ride and swim; hoping that I could be in enough shape to gut out the 6 mile run at the end. I've even been able to so some running on the treadmill. But today I decided to let this one go.

The knee really started bugging me again this week, almost as if I'd reinjured it again. I did a few miles on the treadmill last weekend and it wasn't bad at all. Sure, it twanged in the beginning, but it loosened up well after about 1/2 mile. It still hurts mostly after I wake up in the morning. Maybe it's the way I sleep, but this week, it's gotten worse again.

Knowing that I don't want to screw up a 1/2 marathon I have planned in December with Deeann and Greg, I decided that today, I'd look to see if there was a way to defer my tri entry until next year or even get a partial refund. Thankfully, I'm able to defer it and did. I'm really disappointed because I was really looking forward to this, but it's the right thing to do.

Live to run another day. Now I can start to think about the half marathon in Vegas in December and if that goes well, I'm looking at doing a half Ironman triathlon in May or June next year. Keep your fingers crossed that things will be better by then.

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