Friday, January 1, 2010

Start me up!

155 days from today I'll be doing the 70.3! This blog will be more or less dedicated as a training log for not only the physical, but the mental part of the journey.

In my mind, I know I can do the distance and finish without much problem, but honestly, I'm scared shitless for all the training in the meantime. LOL! But this week, the training began.

Random thoughts for today...

It's only been less than a month since the half marathon out in Vegas, but I because I haven't taken the time to run since then much of that fitness is gone. Not completely, but a lot of it. I ran about 3 on the treadmill yesterday and I was surprised at how sore I am today.

Alma worked my triceps hard on Tuesday and when I swam on Thursday, they were still really sore. I worked through the workout, concentrating on form more than speed this time. I also worked on breathing on my left side a bit more, making sure I wasn't lifting my head which I tend to do.

Tri bars are now installed on the bike. If the weather turns out as nice tomorrow as it was this afternoon, I feel a 60-90 minute ride in store, you know, to test drive those bars. :)

I also recently signed up for Texas Triple Threat, which is a triathlon training group. It looks as if most of it is based out of the north Dallas area so that should help out quite a bit. There are also group swims at one of the pools that looks like it's on the way into work. Sweet!

Finally, I've made it a goal to drop at least 15lbs. I signed up for Weight Watchers online last Tuesday. Two of my dear friends, Deeann and Janna, have both inspired me by their gains (or rather, losses) over the past year or so using the system. They're both amazing women and they not only make me laugh with them, the make me smile as I see them become more confident. Not to be left out, Greg has made huge progress as well and he inspires me in so many other ways. Yay to y'all! Thank you!!!

I'm starting out at 165 and will confess to y'all the progress. Please help prod and poke me if you see something change for the worse. So far it hasn't been easy to stay within the point system, but it's been fun seeing how many extra exercise points I can rack up. Fingers crossed, this system will help.

'Nuf said for now. Please help keep me honest with at least logging workouts and updating the weight! Hugs!


Deeann said...

I'm very excited to see your progress over the next few months. You're going to do great! I have faith in you, even when you loose faith in yourself.

Janna said...

WHOOOO! April has a bag of stuff for you...if you haven't gotten it yet!

You will do AWESOME!

So proud of you!

Dave said...

Look forward to keeping up with your blog will be detailing the Bataan training....and if you need a kick in the butt...well I don't have a problem with that either...;-)