Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Run training

Let me start this blog by saying, Indian Food for lunch makes for heartburn later while running. LOL!

So last night I was just in the mood to do something physical after work and I really need to get some running in for a race up in MN soon. I grabbed my bag of running gear that morning and had forgotten that I had my swimming gear already in there. So what the heck, I decided when I got to the gym to do both.

The run actually felt really good! About a week ago, I did a fast mile on the treadmill to get warmed up for something else and didn't do much walking to start. It was fast and furi0us and fun! Last night, I tried to do something similar and I'm liking the results.

2.5 min warmup/walk
5 mins at 6.0
5 mins at 6.5
5 mins at 7.0 (whoa! didn't know I could do that!)
3 mins and 7.5 (even better!0
1 min at 5.5.
Ladder intervals at 30 seconds, recovering at 5.5 between. 8.5, 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0.
Finished the last 1/2 mile at about 6.5, then did a cooldown.
Fun workout and I feel so much better about still being able to do a 5k at a decent speed, considering all I've really been doing is biking lately. Yay!

Once the heart rate recovered, I changed for a quick pool workout. Since the old-lady water aerobics crowd would be showing up at about 6, I had about 20 minutes to spare before they descended upon to pool.

After a brief 200yd warmup of the arms, I did 10, 1-minute intervals of the 50yds, concentrating on form more than anything. Did 4X25yds at 30 secs, then a quick cooldown.

I can really feel the speed when I know I've hit the stroke correctly. I'm also experimenting with kicking to see how much it actually adds (especially after watching the Olympic swimmers!). Also tried keeping my head a little further down and not have it pop up so much.

Fun stuff. Now I have all winter to figure out the good stuff. Watch out! I'm hooked on this triathlon sport! :)

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