Friday, April 17, 2009

Training - Swim today

Yay for Deeann. She's making me get into the tri training. Thank you, chica.

Spent 30 minutes swimming today, which is the first time in a long, long time. Probably since last fall. I did 1000 yards and it felt pretty good. I had to get out of the pool before the next swim team practice started so this worked out well.

Have you ever gotten a toe cramp while swimming? It shouldn't be much but man, it does! It caught me off guard which made me kick my foot into the wall, which then scraped the shit out of my foot. Gawd only knows what kind of nasty kid pee I have in the scrape now. LOL!

One workout down. Tomorrow, either run or ride depending on the weather.


Deeann said...

You made it to the pool! This is so much earlier than last year! You kick butt... and wall :)


You go girl!!! Hooray!

I'm getting on the bike in a little bit here. And yes, I do realize its midnight Saturday night. The kids are in bed and my chores are finally done. Thank God for my trainer!

We'll be hitting open water soon!