Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Solo boot camp

So yesterday we had a surprise cold front plow through North Texas, dropping the temperature about 20 degrees. It was supposed to stay well north of our area, but instead, dropped down and brought with it about an inch of rain (most of which ended up in my car since the windows were cracked). My point in all of this is that it was time for a delightful morning and I needed a good morning workout.

So I got up around 5:10 this morning with the intent of about a 45 minute hard workout. And I did just that. To warm up, I jogged down to the local middle school, about 1/2 mile away and set up for a solo boot camp at the track/football field.

I found two barrel trashcans about 50' apart and used them as my end points for my workout. I spent about 25 minutes doing sprints, crawls, lunges and all other sorts of torture I'd learned in boot camp classes at the gym. At one point, I felt like I was going to get sick, so I stopped for a few minutes.

Doing it myself made it a little more difficult as I normally enjoy secretly competing with at least one person in class, which pushes me harder. By myself, I only had to compete with my brain, which was screaming at me, "Hey dummy! It's 5:30 and you're tired and sweaty!" I kept going for a while, but am sure bushed already this morning. I walked home and did a few pushups and situps to round out the workout before hitting the shower and heading to work.

I don't know how often I'll try this, but if I can do this once or twice a week, it might be worth it. And it saves about $60 by not paying the gym for this torture. LOL!

On another note, I did a dry run of a route between REI and the house that I might ride on Sundays this summer. It came up to 20 miles even door-t0-door by using a lot of backroads. It seemed fairly safe for the most part. I'm going to look at one other route, this one going more north before going across 35E, to see if it might be safer or more populated. We'll see. A 40 mile r/t once a week might be pretty nice to look forward to every week.

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