Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I feel the need for speed

Since I found the average speed function on the bike computer, I've become a bit obsessed. This morning's ride in, I managed to average 16.1mph overall. The first 13 miles I averaged 16.8, but admittedly, it's the considerably smoother and less trafficked half of the ride. I got to work 15 minutes earlier than I used to last summer. Whee!!

Amazing sights this morning -
- Incredible sunrise over the storm clouds leftover from last night's rain.
- A parade of mallards crossing the street; 12 babies in tow.
- A huge, bouffant hairdo on a teenager. It was reminiscent of the early 60's, but on a goth girl.
- Bright green lawns still heavy with rain.

Enjoy the day, all!

1 comment:


I love when you share these... I love how, with cycling, you have no choice but to be in the moment.
