Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Wow, I can't believe how much I'm enjoying the swimming lately. It's coming so amazingly easy so far it almost feels effortless. Now I'm not saying that to boast or anything, but I'm just so surprised.

This morning I set out to get in 1500 before going to work. I normally have an idea of how much I want to get done and roughly how I'll break up the effort. This was this morning's plan:

1oo warmup
5x200 at 4 min intervals
6x50 at 1 min intervals
100 cooldown

The 200's were consistently at 3:15, which gave me about 45 seconds to recover between sets. The 50's were between 43-45 seconds. I like doing these at the end of the workout when you're a little more tired so it sort of simulates having one last push to the end as hard as you can. This whole set took me 32 minutes. Wow! If only the other 2 tri-sports were going as well. LOL!

Had a few problems with my goggles seeping water. I can't find the pair Deeann gave me last year, though I know I've seen 'em recently. May need to hit REI on the way home to get another set.

I think Friday I'm going to try for 2000 and maybe get a ladder workout in. Hmm...

On a side note, yesterday I did an awful 3 miles on the dreadmill. Tiring. Need to work on the speed and distance considerably. Thursday I'll do 4.

Have a great hump day!

1 comment:


Wow. I'm jealous. We need to work together and spur each other on.